Monday Oct 05, 2020

ICommunicate Radio Show #117: Can You Hear Me Now?

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as feeling unheard or not being validated. Having difficult conversations that address problems in the workplace is tough within itself, but even worse is walking away feeling disrespected and like the attempt wasn’t worthwhile. In this week’s episode of ICommunicate, Mark discusses how to set expectations and build processes around giving and receiving feedback, actively influencing an open and vulnerable workplace culture, and to understand what it means to be heard. Segment 1: Making a request only to have it not be reciprocated in the way we wanted it to be often leaves us feeling frustrated and disrespected. However, there is often more to the story than meets the eye in these types of circumstances. What strategies can we use to convey our feelings in a productive and honest way? Segment 2: As much as we hate to hear it, we have to take a moment to ponder whether or not it’s at least partly our fault that behaviors aren’t changing or actions aren’t taking place. What process can we utilize when giving or receiving a request to accommodate both parties’ needs or wants? Segment 3: We can’t keep letting ourselves fall back on the same old excuses when it comes to dodging complaints from employees over changes. Blaming change on COVID only drains our motivation to work. How do we address concerns even when we feel that nothing can be done to change the problem? What behaviors should we model to create an open and honest culture? Segment 4: It’s one thing to be willing to have difficult conversations with people within the workplace, but it’s another to be prepared for them. What expectations should we set on both the giving and receiving end of these discussions? How do we know that we’re being heard?

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