Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

ICommunicate Radio Show #122: Do You Know How To Set Yourself Up For Success?

Day in and day out, we’re confronted with internal and external inhibitors that combat our motivation and commitment to our goals. Approaching our concerns and allowing ourselves the opportunity to reflect on who we are and who we want to become can be daunting. In this week’s episode of ICommunicate, Joe Lyman joins Mark to discuss how to set meaningful goals and manage our priorities as well as how to overcome feeling stuck and helpless upon self-reflecting. Segment 1: Far too often, we find ourselves hiding behind the excuse, “I’m too busy.” Is it a matter of fact that we truly have no time in the day, or are we struggling to set objectives and stay committed to them? How do we manage our priorities and set meaningful goals? Segment 2: We’ve all heard the expression, you can’t take care of others until you take care of yourself, but that’s much easier said than done. What kinds of goals should we be setting and how can we shift our habits and behaviors to more effectively reach them? How can we overcome feeling helpless and stuck when our day-to-day lives leave us drained? Segment 3: We’ve been told the benefits of meditation and self-reflection, but coming face-to-face with the obstacles that stand in the way of our goals can be overwhelming. What strategies can we use to ease our approach to the self-reflection process? How can we better understand the inhibitors to our goals and address them? Segment 4: 2020 has been a wild year, to say the least. What we may not realize is that this new normal that we’ve become so familiar with isn’t just going to disappear in an instant -- so what do we do from here on? What do we have to gain from our experiences thus far in 2020 and how can we use what we’ve learned to improve our emotional intelligence?

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